MGF Special Exhaust
made by Carl, Sweden
here is the promised "drawing" on how my system was changed for a more pleasant sound and better thru-flow.

Take care when sawing up the box, use gloves cause the SS-wrap around easily cuts into fingers etc.

There are several layers to cut through, bend the lid open and secure it with a piece of wood .
It is then possible to open up all small 3mm holes to approx. 8 mm diam. When you have
the box open You will see what I mean with restricted outlets.
Just follow the way the flow has to go from inlet....

When the internal job is done close lid and secure it with 1,5-2,5 mm thick Alu-stripes
( mine was 35 mm broad). I had the strips pre-drilled to take a lot of selfwinding small SS-screws to fully secure and close the box at all 3 cut lines.
There is really no need to apply "exhaust-gunk" to make it 100% tight but I had it at hand
and smeared the strips. I just drilled and screwed along the 2 sides first, then cutting the long stripe to length and finally secured that one. The alteration to the system will not be noticed visualy when the system is mounted on the car.

Another F-er from Germany also tried to modify a standard exhaust. He got my old exhaust already two years ago.
See and hear ;-) the result
122 Kb wav hustles like a very old smoker ... LOL

The above picture shows the open exhaust. The peace of wood holds it open.
Modified got the pipe left hand by cutting a piece off.
Thanks to the known but not named sender :)

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