Parts |
P/N, description, qty needed. |
from |
to |
1 |
LHB101230 - Pulley-camshaft - rear
9,74 |
2 |
LYF101180 - Washer
superceeded by
LYF000020 |
0,21 |
3 |
SX110351 - Bolt
superceeded by
SX110350 |
0,70 |
4 |
LHN100400 - Belt-engine timing
68 teeth x 23mm
- QH QTB527
- QH GTB2018XS |
26,16 |
5 |
LJR103430 - Cover assembly
- rear timing belt |
3,68 |
5 |
LJR103510 - Cover assembly
- rear timing belt
superceeded by
LJR103530 together with LJR103550 |
4,51 |
5 |
LJR000110 - Cover assembly
- rear timing belt
2D600101 |
4,37 |
6 |
FS105101P - Screw-nylon patch
- M5
2 of |
0,73 |
7 |
LYP10005 - Screw
- M6 x 14 |
0,31 |
8 |
LJR103450 - Cover-timing belt - front
superceeded by
LJR103550 together with LJR103530
8,12 |
8 |
LJR000120 - Cover-timing belt - front
2D600101 |
4,74 |
9 |
FS106205 - Screw-flanged head
- M6 x 20
4 of |
0,39 |