Conversions calculator

torque / Drehmoment
Foot-pounds [ft/lbs] ................ to / in .............. Newton-Meter [Nm] ............. ft/lbs * 1,35 = Nm
Newton-Meter [Nm] ................ to / in .............. Foot-pounds [ft/lbs] ............. Nm * 0,74 = ft/lbs
Newton-Meter [Nm] ................ to / in .............. Kilopond/cm² [kp/cm²] ......... Nm * 0,102 = kp/cm²

pressure /Druck
PSI ....................................... to / in .............. Kilopond/cm² [kp/cm²] ......... psi * 0,07031 = kp/cm²
PSI ....................................... to / in .............. Bar ..................................... psi * 0,07 = bar
Kilopond/cm² [kp/cm²] ............ to / in .............. PSI ..................................... kp/cm² * 14,22 psi
Bar ....................................... to / in .............. PSI ..................................... bar * 14,29 = psi

weight / Gewichte
Kilogramm [kg] ....................... to / in ............ Pounds [lbs] ........................ kg * 2,205 = lbs
Pounds [lbs] ........................... to / in ............ Kilogramm [kg] .................... lbs * 0,4536 = kg
Gramm [g] .............................. to / in ............ Ounces [oz] ........................ g * 0,035 = oz
Ounces [oz] ............................ to / in ............ Gramm [g] .......................... oz * 28 = g
Kilopond/cm² [kp/cm²] ............. to / in ............ Pounds [lbs] ........................ kp/cm² * 2,2 = lbs
Pounds [lbs] ........................... to / in ............ Kilopond/cm² ....................... lbs * 0,45 = kp/cm²

force / Kraft
Pound [lbs] ............................ to / in ............ Newton [N] .......................... lbs * 4,45 = N
Newton [N] ............................. to / in ............ Pound [lbs] ......................... N * 0,225 = lbs
PS ........................................ to / in ............. Kilowatt [kw] ....................... kw * 1,36 = PS
Horse power [HP] ................... to / in ............. PS ..................................... HP * 1,015 = PS
PS ........................................ to / in ............. Horse Power [HP] ............... PS * 0,985 = HP

linear measures / Laengenmasse
Kilometer [km] ........................ to / in ............. Meile [mls] ........................ km * 0.622 = mls
Meile [mls] .............................. to / in ............. Kilometer [km] .................. mls * 1,609 = km
Meter [m] ................................ to / in ............. Yard .................................. m * 1,0936 = Yard
Yard ....................................... to / in ............. Meter [m] .......................... Yard * 0,9144 = m
Meter [m] ................................ to / in ............. Foot .................................. m * 3,281 = foot
Foot ....................................... to / in ............. Meter [m] .......................... foot * 0,3048 = m
Millimeter [mm] ....................... to / in ............. Zoll ................................... mm * 0,03937 = Zoll
Zoll ........................................ to / in ............. Millimeter [mm] .................. Zoll * 25,4 = mm
Millimeter [mm] ....................... to / in ............. Inch [in] ............................ mm * 0,03937 = in
Inch [in] .................................. to / in ............. Millimeter [mm] ................. in * 25,4 = mm

volume / Volumen
Pints [pts] ............................... to / in ............. Liter [l] .............................. pts * 0,47 = l
Liter [l] .................................... to / in ............. Pints [pts] ......................... l * 2,1 = pts
Quarts [qts] ............................. to / in .............. Liter [l] ............................. qts * 0,95 = l
Liter [l] ................................... to / in .............. Quarts [qts] ....................... l * 1,06 = qts
Gallone [gals] ......................... to / in .............. Liter [l] .............................. gals * 3,8 = l
Liter [l] ................................... to / in .............. Gallone [gals] .................... l * 0,26 = gals
Cubic Inch [ cu in] ................... to / in .............. Kubik-Zentimeter [ccm] ..... cu in * 16,387 = ccm
Kubik-Zentimeter [ccm] ........... to / in .............. Cubic Inch [cu in] .............. ccm * 0,0611 = cu in

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