Ein dickes Rohr unter dem Armaturenbrett ist rechts und links
mit dem A-Rahmen verschweißt und gibt dem MGF Stabilität im Frontbereich |
A large pipe is located under the dash. This pipe is welded
to both sides of the A-Frame. |
Die Schweißnähte brachen bei einigen
frühen MGF. Durch Verwindung des Chassis kommt es temperaturabhängig
zu knarrenden Geräuschen. |
The welding is bad at some MGF Creaking or knocking
noises occur if the cars body winds and moves. |
Neil, Jerome and Hanah did it with success to both. Did'nt
work for me, though :( |
Some chaps from the MG Cars BBS found their own solution.
I tried it as well and it did not work at mine. |

We added U-shape clamps 60mm dia to the weld locations on
both sides of the cross member bar (U-shape clamp used i.e. for exhaust
pipe connections) |
Unbolt the glove box (A) and pull the connections to the switch
and lights off (mark the cables for later re-assembly) |
Do the clamp over the bar |
near view from left below |
rear view to the bar (before adding the clamp) |
from below |
I cannot recommend the official MGR solution from a Bulletin
in 1997. This means to dismantle the complete dash, drill holes and reweld.
It is a try and error game. May be it works, may be not. |
Zur Reparatur müßte das Armaturenbrett demontiert werden.
5 mm Löcher in das Außenrohr bohren und diese neu schweißen.
The complete dash board should be removed for this repair works. 5mm
holes drilled to the connecting of the crossmember bar to the body flange
need to be welded for new.