The 10th Anniversary of the MGF HERITAGE MOTOR CENTRE 16.10.2005 in Gaydon

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MGF Register

Tim Morris
Jason Ratcliffe
Tony Thompson
Neil Sutton
Emma Jackman
Kris Ford
Dave Morris
Erik Baekelant
James King

The official MGF-Register DVD-R
from the Event

Order Form

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MGF 10 Andre Na wer wohl Na wer wohl
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Frühstück 3 Fähre Dunkerque Ferry this way
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Fish and Chips on Ferry Dover Dover Dover
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Dover Dover Dartford Tunnel und Brücke at Rob's
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looking forward to Food (learned about Parsnips) Birchanger Service EURO Raid
Dieter & Andre (D)
Stephen (D)
Jacques & Anne Benbassat (F)
Fabien & Anne Laure Robert (F)
Joel & Phillipe (F)
Erik & Fran (B)
Bruno & Inge (B)
John and Nikki ( B)
Johan & Ramona (NL)
Bart & Marloo Birkhoff (NL)
Daphne & Hajo (NL)
Marion & Kasper (NL)
Kjeld Andersen (DK)
Adrian & Dawn
Emma & Claire
Andrew & /SF
Dave & ...
Susanne & Andy
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Birchanger Service Birchanger Service Sticker Euro Raid

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© 2005 - 2013 Dieter Koennecke Email Dieter
Pictures: Dieter Koennecke and Andre Horst